
DWP: Department of Work & Pension Funding

DWP may be able to help individuals with the funding who are seeking to establish IT Career and this financial support applies to our many courses. Your local Jobcentre Plus work coach will be able to advise you accordingly.

DWP will need to be satisfied that the course you are enrolling in would certainly lead you to the prospect of becoming employed.


How & who can get this funding?



If you are registered unemployed and presently receiving Govt benefits then you may be eligible to obtain funding from the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) for our courses. However, that does not mean that you are guaranteed to receive course funding from DWP.


How to take this application further?

You should request for an interview with your local Job centre Plus dedicated supervisor and notify him/her that you have found a course that you would like to acquire in order to achieve qualification in your chosen field which can help you in applying for JOBS.


The final decision on whether funding will be awarded it is completely up to DWP.

Inform them that the course provider is registered with the DWP, quoting our DUNS Number, ITPT course provider registration with the DWP is DUNS Number 111111150.


.“We cannot emphasis enough that you will need to demonstrate to your advisor, that you are a worthy reciprocate of public funding “.